“Coach Kelly,

How do we make our hearts strong?”

“Coach Kelly, 
How do we make our hearts strong?”

Little did I know, this 5-year-old boy’s innocent question would launch a movement. 

He was one of the students in a workshop I was leading for a local school. We had just begun some physical activities to get our hearts pumping. No sooner had the words “strong heart” left my mouth when his eager little hand shot straight up and he began bouncing. After he asked me what makes a heart strong, I started to say something about running and riding bikes, but stopped. I know it was only a split second, but I felt like time paused. 

Running, biking, jumping rope, and other activities are only part of heart conditioning. What really makes a heart “strong” goes even further: being brave, enduring when you want to give up, raising your voice in defense of another, treating others with kindness. 

I sat with the kids in a circle and told them how a strong body and a kind heart go hand-in-hand. True strength is found not only in strength of body, but strength of character and kindness in action.

And thus began